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Darlington 2011 Critique

MPD (2: 1)
1st: TOLAND, Miss L & YOUNG J - Chuilinn Magister – attractive youngster, lovely head, dark eye and good teeth. Nice overall length, good bone, decent depth of body and nice fall away over croup, good tail. Nice free mover, bit sloppy but he has plenty of time to tighten up. Very promising.

PD (1)
1st: HAWKINS Mr D & Mrs S - Kwaricott Corelli – nice well grown youngster, but would prefer a harsher coat. Attractive head and expression, and needs time to grow on as lacks depth of body at present. Moved soundly, but tends to flatten topline on the move.

JD (6: 2) a nice class
1st: TAYLOR Miss S J - Kilbourne Woodsman To Ormanstar – good depth of body and nice length, strong topline and scored on movement today. Nice head and expression, good feet, plenty of bone and a nice tail.
2nd: PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M - Kilbourne Warhol – another promising young male with good feet and plenty of bone. Good length and depth of body, attractive overall and nice tail. Movement not so free as (1).
3rd: BOND Mrs J - Harropine Lazarus At Regalflight
Res: SMITH-FENTON Mr H & Mrs L - Wickwar Walter at Intack

LD (2)
1st: ROSE Mrs S - Gentiehun Tain – attractive and shapely hound, well coated and well presented, with pleasing head and expression – although he is a bit short of length in his face. Lovely quarters, and nice tail and fall away over croup. Eventually moved well, but wasn’t over-exerting himself to keep up with his handler so his stride was rather short. I would love to see him moved by a long-legged, fast mover – would he stride out then? I liked everything about him but would prefer more length overall. Reserve Dog CC.
2nd: SEYMOUR-JACKSON Mrs L B - Ghiltan Hero – nice big, well coated and nicely presented male with attractive head and expression. Lots of substance, and nicely constructed and moved well. Preferred the overall balance and outline of (1).

OD (6: 1) Several in this class lacked drive and on the move seemed to be dragging a hind leg – it wasn’t even a hot day!
1st: PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M - Kilbourne Fire Chief – nicely balanced well-built male, well presented and not carrying too much weight. No frills or much in the way of facial furnishings, and would prefer a darker eye. But overall he stood over plenty of ground, and has a nice fall away over his croup. Moved soundly and well. Dog CC winner, which I later learned gives him his crown.
2nd: BARRET Ms K - Stranwith Symphony – compact, mature hound. Pretty head and expression, great depth and nice top line. Good bend of stifle but movement not so true or strong as (1).
3rd: HAWKINS Mr D & Mrs S - Kwaricott Asclepius
Res:GILLIE Mr R - Dorrator Gethen
VHC: ADAMS Miss B - Cscarf O'cockaigne Imp

MPB (3)
1st: ROBERTSON Dr D & Mrs B.A. - Chuilinn Magdalena – very attractive, well grown youngster. I liked her a lot. Lots of scope, she moved well, has a lovely head, eye, good feet and bone, nice top line and fall away, nice bend of stifle. Very promising. Best Puppy.
2nd: CONSTANTINE Mrs K - Gentiehun Tulip – another attractive youngster, well covered and well presented. Moved nicely, and plenty of bone.
3rd: ROSE Mrs S Gentiehun Black Beauty

PB (2: 1)
1st: PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M - Kilbourne Teliah – well presented and promising youngster. Nice head and expression, good teeth and nice length from hip to hock. Good topline. Moved well, but without much enthusiasm.

JB (5: 3)
1st: MCGILL Miss S - Cotherstone Take Silk – strong, well made bitch who moved well and powerfully. Nice depth of body, good bone, nice feet, good tail and good harsh coat. Lovely bend of stifle. Seemed somewhat out of sorts with her handler today.
2nd: CAFFERATA Mr M L & Mrs F A - Gentom Sea Of Serenity – attractive, feminine bitch with lovely thin, small ears. Nicely balanced overall but lacked the drive and energy of (1). Very promising.

PGB (10:5) – a lovely class
1st: ADAMS Miss B - Ardneish Pantalaimon – very nice, mature bitch. Lovely balance, good depth of body and good length. Lots of substance, and good feet. Nice head and expression and overall a lovely picture, she is all curves. If she were mine, I would tidy her coat up a little! She moved a dream and never put a foot wrong in this class, and then went beautifully to challenge for BOB. Bitch CC and BOB.
2nd: BOND Mrs J - Stainlonan Bellis At Regalflight NAF TAF – very close decision between (1) and (2). Another lovely bitch, well presented. Good depth of body, plenty of substance and nice length from hip to hock. A rather strong topline standing, but on the move she relaxed and powered round the ring, unlucky to meet (1) above
3rd: JENNINGS Mr & Mrs A - Brylach Natasha – won Best Head & Expression
Res: SEYMOUR-JACKSON Mrs L B - Cassacre Aelfrida of Ghiltan
VHC: ROBERTSON Dr D & Mrs B.A. - Gentiehun Thyme

LB (12: 3)
1st: MORGAN Mrs A - Ladygrove Calamity Jane At Amiro – very shapely and balanced mature bitch who pinged round the ring with energy and drive. Pretty head and expression, nice eye and good pigmentation. Good feet and enough substance. She has the look of a huntress! Reserve Bitch CC
2nd: GILLIE Mr R - Dorrator Song For Drella – shapely and feminine bitch, with attractive head and expression. Nice depth of body, but upright shoulder. Well presented.
3rd: BAILEY Mr G & Mrs N B - Greyflax Crystal
Res: PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M - Ain't Miss Behavin At Kilbourne
VHC: CAFFERATA Mr M L & Mrs F A - Readwald Cailleach

OB (7: 2)
1st: TAYLOR, Mrs S & PEACH Mrs G - Brackenland Tan At Kilbourne – tall, rather rangy bitch who moved well enough. Attractive head and expression – lovely long eye lashes. Nicely presented, good topline and nice bend of stifle.
2nd: BAILEY Mr G & Mrs N B - Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy – well presented, nice overall with good length and depth of body. Pretty head and expression, feet not her fortune.
3rd: BARRET Ms K - Stranwith Morag
Res: WESTALL-IVES Mrs K - Stranwith May
VHC: TAYLOR Mrs A - Lyart Yea Verily

No Veterans present.

M J Girling